I'm praying for you this morning that Matthew 8:8 is becoming a reality in your daily life! Our consistent time in the "Secret Place" with our Lord is the key to living in His presence and continuing steadfast in the faith.
This is an unprecedented time of spiritual warfare, a time the Bible warns us that many will fall away, even the elect can be deceived, distracted or spiritually asleep. Oh, but the joy of meeting with our Father in secret...delighting in His Word, learning to pray His will into the Earth, receiving all we need from Him, fellowshipping with Him, waiting on Him, worshiping Him! This will keep us from drifting. God's Word speaks of our potential to "drift" away.
Colossians 1:23 says, "if indeed you continue in the faith, firmly established and steadfast and not moved away from the hope of the gospel that you have heard..." We are to continue! We are to stay firmly established! We are not to drift away from the Word we have heard!
It is easy to drift, we must stay alert! Did you ever see a piece of DRIFT WOOD washed up on the shore. It's called drift wood because it was detached from the tree and began to drift, little by little, from its original purpose and place of flourishing as a connected part of the life source of the tree. Hebrews 2 says,"for this reason we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we DRIFT AWAY from it."
Let's not drift from His presence and His will for our lives! The Word is our anchor to keep us from drifting. As you spend time in the Secret Place, in His light you will see light. The Word will anchor you in Truth. You will call upon Him and He will show you great and mighty things that you do not know. He will fill you, He will teach you, He will guide you, He will love this world through you. Time in the secret place with the Lord is a sure anecdote to keep you from drifting! We have been brought near by the blood of Jesus, His forgiveness covers our failures that would try to disconnect us from Him. Stay connected and abiding daily. Every day is a new day, His mercies are new every morning.
Love this blog and you surely do speak encouraging words! Teens can so easily drift away from the teachings of their youth and that worries many a parent! We know "when they are old, they will return" but what corruption can occur before that? God has a purpose for us and we need to abide in Him!