Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fortified by God's Word

Fortified by God's Word
It's an amazing Tuesday and I was so happy to pray for you today! The prayer of faith, in the matchless Name of Jesus, according to His Word is incredibly powerful. I hope you are delighting in  His Word today! You are His beloved, His thoughts for you outnumber the stars. I pray you are strengthened and encouraged by "lifewords" now.  Be sure to let me know if there is anything specific you would like me to agree with you in prayer about.  amy
Not by bread alone, but by every Word.....!
Oh I am just  so amazed by the living Word of God!  It is so precious to me. I want to share with you another amazing truth about what is available to us as believers because of God's Word.   Just one simple truth today.
Check out Acts 20:32.  Paul, speaking by the Holy Spirit, says to the elders  and  church of Ephesus, "So now brethren, I commend you to the Word of His grace, which is able to build you up, and give you and inheritance, among all them which are sanctified by faith.
The Word of God is the living Word!!!!!!!!! As we spend time in it daily, and get it in our heart and mind and mouth, it literally contains transforming power that builds us up and subdue all feebleness of the flesh. Honestly, sometimes I feel insufficient, inadequate, unsure, anxious....have you ever felt this way? I think I might have been feeling this way this very morning! But I knew I could not allow myself to give in to these thoughts!  These thoughts will visit all of us, and we can choose to answer the door and welcome them, or  cast them off and renew our minds to the truth of God's promises. When these feelings tried to attach themselves to my thoughts, I had to make a choice to get my Bible and allow the Holy Spirit to transform my mind.... I had to begin to delight in His Word more than being overwhelmed by my feelings or circumstances! If we will give ourselves to the Word of His grace, on purpose, it will build us up, encourage us, strengthen us, empower us, bring life to us, bring courage to us.  To be built up means to be fortified. To be strong in Him is to be strong in His Word! The Bible is not just words on a page that we read.  Oh no! It is alive with the very power of God.  In His Word is the  rich inheritance given to us as His children. Delight in the Word of His grace, pursue His Word in purpose, make time for His Word, put it in your heart and in your mouth. Treasure it above all. Love it, meditate on it, embrace it, purpose to obey it.  Make a new plan for the Word to increase in your life. Allow the Word to build you up in Him today, and bring to you the inheritance that already belongs to you!

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