Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Lifewords, Prayer Series, 6 of 30

lifewords  prayer series 6 of 30


The Lord has instructed us in Matthew 6, "When you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and the Father, who sees in secret, will reward you openly." His purposes in our lives and in this earth come to pass through prayer. Prayer and intercession give birth to God's will, He set it up that way! Oh the privilege and responsibility we have to be men and women of intentional prayer!  He said first Ask, then you will receive.  He said first seek, then you will find.  He said first knock, then the door will be opened. Let's become experts in asking, seeking, knocking, confident in His promise to respond! 


Prayer is the necessity of every believer. It is continual fellowship with the Father throughout our days and during the nights, and it is also a specific time to meet with Him  daily in the "secret place". Do you sense the Lord drawing you into more time in prayer and His living Word? He is drawing His people and giving special grace to pray. And in His presence is fullness of Joy! In His presence we are transformed! In His presence we receive all that is needed and more. In prayer we take our place as His sons and daughters to push back the forces of darkness and release His will into our lives, our families, His Church, our cities, our nation and the nations of the world. 


He is beckoning, urging us to come meet with Him in the secret place daily. Cultivate a prayer lifestyle that goes beyond just bringing your list of prayer requests. Make a daily appointment with Him. Jesus daily met with the Father in solitary places, often before the dawn, often all night long. Come with thanksgiving, come with praise, come with a heart of worship. And when you come,  ask Him to search your heart and reveal sin and any area of darkness, repent and receive forgiveness according to 1 John 1:9. Invite the Holy Spirit to fill you afresh, surrendering all to His Lordship. Remember Psalm 66:18 that if we regard iniquity in our heart the Lord does not hear us but as we are transparent and humble before Him, the power of His blood cleanses us and His ear is open to our cry!  Let us daily come boldly to the Throne of Grace to find mercy and grace to help in our great need!


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