Monday, September 6, 2010

Not by Bread Alone

9.6.10 not by bread alone
Hello and its a great Labor Day Monday! I prayed for you this morning, confident of our Lord's love for you and His faithfulness to His Word concerning His plan for your life and for your family. You are loved and highly favored of the Lord, and that alone makes it a great day today!  Thanks for reading "lifewords".......we are still on the amazing RED LETTER words of our King!  Today's focus on The Word.  Amy
The book of Matthew is incredible!  I hope you are enjoying reading it. 
 I can't stop thinking about the message my darling husband preached yesterday and I've been captivated this morning by Jesus' response to Satan after His 40 days of fasting in the wilderness.

Matthew 4:4 (MLB) "But He replied, "It is written, 'man shall not live on bread alone but on every Word (command) that proceeds from the mouth of God.'"
He was quoting from Deut 8:3......Jesus knew the scriptures well! God's Word is the sustaining power of our  life. It must be our priority.   I love Psalm 119:11-112 (MLB) Your testimonies are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart.  I have set my heart on practicing Your statues forever, even to the end." The more time we spend in the Word, the more it will be the joy of our hearts.
 Psalm 112:1 speaks of the "joy of the man who reveres the Lord, who greatly  delights in His Word." And one of my favorites, Psalm 1, which speaks of the man who is blessed who greatly delights in the Word of God. The Word of God is His living Word!  It has transforming power! (Rom 1:16) It is our Light! (prov. 6:21-23) It brings faith in our hearts! (Rom 10:17), It brings us great success as we meditate on It regularly and speak It out of our mouths! (Joshua 1:8), It warns us of danger (Ps. 19:11), It becomes the joy and rejoicing of our heart when we truly discover It (Je 15:16).
Psalm 119:96-105 tells us that the Word makes us wiser than our enemies, keeps us from evil, gives us discernment, is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path! 
Psalm 119:7-11 lists additional benefits of God's Word!   Restores our souls. Makes us wise. Enlightens our eyes. Endures forever. More to be desired than gold. Sweeter than honey. A reminder to the servants of God. In its keeping is great reward.   Oh that we would love God's Word! that every day we could not wait to fellowship with Our Lord in His Word, delighting in it continually.   The Lord gives us a great picture in His provision for the Israelites in the wilderness.  They had to get fresh manna every day. He wants to give us  fresh, living, sustaining food from His Word daily!  His desire is to meet with us in His Word today, for He knows that we cannot live on bread alone (natural things) but we can only live this life He has planned for us by His Word. 

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